FORTRESS EUROPE? - Circular Letter (FECL) offers news, analyses and comments on European developments in the fields of liberties and human rights, public order and security, policing, justice, data protection, immigration and asylum. Particular attention is paid to EU Justice and Home Affairs cooperation and Schengen policies. FECL strives to provide a forum for mutual information and critical debate among experts, activists, scholars and practitioners throughout Europe. Readers are welcome to send texts and information suitable for publication in FECL to the editor.

Dear visitor,

I am sorry to have to inform you that the publication of 'FORTRESS EUROPE?' - Circular Letter (FECL) is suspended until further notice, possibly to be discontinued for good. A chronic lack of funding in recent years, entailing increasingly untenable working conditions, has made this decision unavoidable.

It is now up to you, FECL's readers and supporters, as to whether or not FECL continues, and your timely input is invited accordingly. FECL's website,, will, regardless of circumstances, remain operational until the year's end. The site provides free access to all back issues of FECL, and now incorporates a search engine for easy reference.

Yours sincerely, Nicholas Busch, Editor FECL